The Amana Story 304 Years in the Making Part 1
They held a strong, mutual belief that a prayerful relationship with the Lord would lead to a godly life. Advocating humility and piety expressed in simple worship, they believed that God may communicate to his followers through an inspired individual just as he did in the days of the biblical prophets. This individual, called a Werkzeug (instrument), is regarded as a tool of God's will through which God speaks directly to his people. This belief is still a foundation of the Amana Church.
The Inspirationists were persecuted because they advocated freedom of speech and worship and they refused to send their children to public schools where churchmen taught. To escape fines and imprisonment, the Inspirationists flocked to the state of Hessen, one of the most liberal states in Germany.
Metz proposed that a permanent constitution be adopted establishing a communal system. The Inspirationists owned the shops, mills and farmland of Ebenezer in common and individual needs were provided for by the community. The communal way of life would continue in the Amana Colonies for 89 Years.
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(From the Willkommen, used with permission of Emilie Hoppe)